新冠肆虐讓全世界都在瘋狂搶口罩,我們採購團隊厲不厲害,在這關鍵時刻就顯現功力了。他們在極短的時間內要找到貨源、了解安全規格、確認合格廠家、合理價格、付款搶單後火速裝櫃,為的就是完成公司付予的重大使命 – 保護員工、保護社區。
同樣是站在服務社區的最前線,但面對病患,醫護人員更是需要被保護。為了集結力量,公司稍早發起 –「為醫院購買口罩」的愛心捐款活動。消息一出,不到數日就收到來自全國同事的三萬元捐款,公司當然也兌現承諾相對撥款,而這六萬元購買的口罩已在一週前陸續分批捐送往各省衛生醫療局或醫院。
( 新聞稿內容 )
全球新冠疫情持續蔓延,加拿大形勢也愈發嚴峻。今日,大統華超市宣佈向全加醫療系統分批捐贈 100 萬片醫用口罩,以緩解全國各地醫療物資短缺的問題,保障奮戰在一線醫護工作者的健康和生命,爲其救治病患、保護社區出一份力。
做爲加拿大最大的亞洲連鎖超市,大統華責無旁貸,充份運用強大的全球採購和供應鏈網絡,投入大量精力展開物資籌措,爭分奪秒協調渠道,只爲儘快調運一批防控疫情所急需的醫療用品抵加。大統華已於 4 月 9 日至 16 日將首批 53 萬片醫用口罩捐贈給全國醫療系統,包括亞省衛生廳(Alberta Health Services)、BC省衛生廳(BC Provincial Health Services Authority)、安省「為醫護人員募集口罩」小組(Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers in Ontario)、多倫多新寧醫院(Sunnybrook Hospital)、孟嘗會(Mon Sheong Foundation)、頤康中心(Yee Hong Centre For Geriatric Care),Waterloo/Kitchener 地區 Grand River Hospital 和 St. Mary’s General Hospital,以實際行動詮釋「關懷社區」的公司價值觀。同時由大統華創辦人李羅昌鈺女士成立的「李氏基金」也捐款給BC省醫院購置兩部全新呼吸機。
疫情當前,大統華鼓勵全體員工積極奉獻愛心,在不到一週的時間内,共收到員工愛心捐款 3 萬加幣。公司亦為這筆善款進行等額配捐,令捐款總金額達 6 萬加幣,更大幅追補捐款,以便有足夠款項可以購買 100 萬片口罩,全力支援一線抗疫。大統華希望通過這些努力,不僅是提供醫療方面的援助,更是要傳遞無價的關愛,同心致遠,共克時艱;做對的事,互相扶持。
Tina 隨捐贈口罩親至多倫多新寧醫院
亞省衛生廳到 ED 分店領取口罩
Pay Love Forward to our Frontline Health Care Worker – You are part of it
Due to the evolving pandemic, people are panic buying facemasks. This is the critical moment to reveal the power of our merchandising team. In a short period, they have to find the supply source, understand the safety specifications, identify reliable supplier with reasonable price, and speed up the shipments after payment. All of this hard work is about fulfilling the mission of our company – protect our staff, protect our community.
It is also at the forefront of serving the community, but facing the patients, protection for healthcare workers is of vital importance. In order to come together, the company launched the donation activity of “Buying Masks to Hospital”. Once the message was broadcasted, the company received $30,000 from colleagues across the country within a few days. The company also matched the fund and a total of $60,000 was donated to purchase facemasks. Starting from the week before, those facemasks have been delivered in batches to different provincial healthcare authorities and hospitals.
Take a look at our news release and media clippings and see how the company leaded us to honorably accomplish our social responsibility and pay our love forward.
(News Release)
T&T Supermarkets is donating one million medical masks to Canadian hospitals and long term care facilities.
The recipients include BC Provincial Health Services Authority, Alberta Health Services, Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers in Ontario, Yee Hong Foundation, Mon Sheong Foundation, Sunnybrook Hospital, Grand River Hospital and St. Mary’s General Hospital in Waterloo/Kitchener area.
Part of the donation has been funded by an employee personal donation drive, reaching 60,000 masks. T&T then topped up the donation to reach one million masks.
The Lee Family Foundation, led by T&T founder Cindy Lee, is also donating funds to purchase two ventilators for BC hospitals.
First batch is donated to Mobilizing Masks for Health Care Providers in Ontario
Tina donates the masks to Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto
Alberta Health Services (AHS) picks up the masks from ED Store
1,000,000 pieces facemasks to support the frontline health care workers
Be kind and care for the community.
We are all part of it!
Wow..Great job T&T..More power..🙏🙏