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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter


從農曆新年熬到端午,我們總算見到 COVID-19 疫情緩合;隨著各地區不同程度的解封,公司也開始動起來了!

首先是 Tina 總裁 6 月 15 號動身前往西岸關心同仁及業務,這是中斷飛行近 3 個月後的首行。5 個月的抗疫過程,因全體同仁貫徹執行每項防疫行動,保護到了每位員工、每位顧客,讓我們取得了第一波的勝利,所以 Tina 迫不及待、馬不停蹄地堅持要走遍卑詩省的 12 家分店,除了太想念大家,目的只有一個,就是要謝謝所有前線抗疫英雄的努力。

為了見證我們曾經共同經歷了這一切,Tina 更是帶來要送給每位同事一人一頂、特別訂製的球帽。這是一份空前絕後的紀念禮物,它代表著我們並肩打贏了 COVID-19 第一波戰役,更是公司對大家的感激。在兩岸分店支援中心,Tina 親臨每一部門,分送這意義非凡的帽子給大家。


業務月會已用視訊方式進行了好幾個月了,但就在這星期一,趁恢復以往在 SC/ESC 集合召開會議,兩岸分店支援中心分別熱烈迎來 BC 及 ON 這一共 21 位店長回到大本營,他們正是大統華真正站在前線的抗疫英雄代表。現在就帶大家來看看這些精彩又歡樂的片段吧!

東岸分店支援中心同事夾道歡迎 9 位店長




Calvin 領著一班店長參觀 ESC 新辦公室

第一波疫情是暫停了,但 COVID-19 並未真正結束,我們不願、但不怕見到第二波的來襲,因為大家都是抗疫英雄,都有過共經風雨的經驗和抵抗的能力。在喘息片刻之餘,提醒大家還是要對公共衛生安全隨時保持警覺,繼續謹慎勇行!


We Honor Our Frontline Heroes

From Chinese New Year to the Dragon Boat Festival, we finally saw the coronavirus curve has been flattened; While lockdown eased in different regions, our company becomes more bustling!

First of all, our CEO, Tina, flew all the way to western region to meet with colleagues and show support, this is her first trip after the aviation measures has been implemented. In this 5-month fighting against the COVID-19, every colleague has been doing all precautions in order to protect every staff and every customer, and we won the first battle. That is why Tina insisted to visit all 12 stores in BC without halt, not just only missing everyone, but also showing her gratitude to all the hard work from the frontline heroes.

As to prove that we have experienced all this together, Tina gave every colleague a custom-made ball cap. This is a limited-edition cap, which makes it more unforgettable. It represents the victory in fighting against the wave 1 of COVID-19 and also the appreciation from the company. Tina said thank you and handed out this meaningful cap to each colleague by herself in both SC and ESC.

HR Dept in ESC
FSQA Dept in ESC
Store Operations Dept in SC
Administration Dept in SC
Finance & Accounting Dept in SC
Waterloo Store Team
Lansdowne Store Team

Monthly Business Meeting had been gone virtual for several months. But just this Monday, while we resumed the meeting back to normal, both SC and ESC warmly welcomed the return of the 21 store managers in BC and ON respectively, who are representing the frontline heroes of T&T. Let’s now share those cheerful moments.

Colleagues from ESC line up to welcome all 9 store managers

Directors in ESC honor our store managers

Video of SC welcoming the representative of our frontline heroes

It is particularly worth mentioning that the ESC moved to the new home in early February, however, none of the eastern region store managers visited yet. After seeing it on Monday, the spacious environment made them feel excited and looking forward to the bright future.

Calvin gives the store managers an ESC tour

The first wave of the epidemics was suspended, but COVID-19 has not yet ended. We are unwilling, but not afraid to see the second wave of attack, because everyone is now the frontline hero who is experienced in fighting against the COVID-19. While we are taking a short break, we still have to keep in mind about the public health safety and be brave and cautious!


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