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September 2020


COVID-19 疫情期間,CP 店深入貫徹落實公司的各項防控措施,保證顧客和員工的健康安全。Lawrence 是 CP 店的副店長,不管疫情是否嚴重,每晚實施全方位、無盲點的消毒工作。還有一位員工在家確診後,配合外聘專業公司執行深度消毒的任務,他都一直參與其中。

7 月 5 日,CP 店發生了一場蓄意滋事事件。一位非華裔的顧客,拒絕接受佩戴口罩,硬闖進店,副店長 Lawrence 立即上前給予解釋。當時該顧客用帶有嚴重種族歧視的惡劣言語辱罵本店員工, Lawrence 始終勇敢地擋在最前面。他雙手舉起,以防觸碰肈事者,同時一直努力勸説:“我們都是加拿大人”、“我們也是同胞”。最後,這位肈事者灰溜溜地離去。

事件曝光後,CP 店陸續收到了社會各界的關心、問候和讚揚。有熱心顧客在網上發起支持募捐活動。Lawrence 收到這筆愛心捐款後,毫不猶豫地捐獻出來,設立了 CP 店基金會。

Lawrence 在需要時,不顧個人安危,挺身而出、英勇應對,身體力行地實踐了大統華 “勇於承擔” 的文化。

(CP 分店)


Daniel 是 RA 分店的蔬果部員工,加入大統華這個大家庭不滿一年。他做事認真負責又樂於助人。

今年 1 月份,公司要成立 e-Commerce Fulfillment Team 時,Daniel 自願參加並主動積極工作。因為 e-Commerce Fulfillment Team 是 T&T 新的單位,而 RA 店又是 BC 省的第一家配送出貨店,許多的做法跟遇到的問題都需要靠分店自行解決,Daniel 也與店長不斷地討論並給予很多的想法跟建議。終於 e-Commerce 正式上線,RA 店順利地完成了公司賦予的任務。因為 Daniel 參與 e-Commerce Fulfillment 工作的能力和表現,店長推薦 Daniel 做 e-Commerce Fulfillment Team 的 Supervisor。

受到 COVID-19 疫情的影響,e-Commerce Fulfillment 的單量激增。Daniel 為了讓商品能夠盡快且順利地送到顧客手中,常常自行提早上班,並犧牲午餐甚至下班時間,以期能讓客人對 e-Commerce Fulfillment 留下好的購物體驗。

Daniel 不但完成自己份內的工作,還主動到各部門幫忙,並且利用在各部門學習積累的經驗出色地幫助 e-Commerce Fulfillment Team 完成任務,切實展現了大統華 “創新求變,互助合作” 的文化。

(RA 分店)




雖然是不同單位發生的兩個案例,但做法相似,並且在調查過程中,這兩名員工都不約而同地說,他們帶回家的是 “廢棄品”,他們覺得這些 “次品” 公司反正也不會要了。也許他們以爲這樣說的話, “罪不至死” 吧。當然他們想錯了,這樣的事情,公司零容忍,勢必要說再見。




P11 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜



September 2020

Stand Up and Face the Challenge

In the outbreak of COVID-19, CP Store implemented all the safety measures to protect the safety of customers and staff. Lawrence, the Assistant Store Manager of CP Store, enforced the whole store sanitization every night, regardless of the severity of the outbreak. When a staff confirmed to be a positive case, he also involved in partnering the professional contractor to complete the deep cleaning.

On July 5, a disturb public peace incident happened in CP Store. A non-Asian customer refused to wear face mask and barged into the store. Lawrence immediately went forward and explained our policy to him. At the moment, that customer was insulting our staff with racist language, but Lawrence steadily stood in the very front to protect others. He put his hands up to avoid touching that customer and telling him that, “We are all Canadians” and “We are all fellow citizens”. In the end, that customers left quietly.

After the incident went viral, CP Store received a lot of cares and supports from the society. A friendly customer even launched a fundraising event online. After Lawrence received the donation, the donation became the fund for CP foundation.

When needed, Lawrence stood up and faced the challenge. He truly presented T&T’s culture – Be Accountable.

(CP Store)

Helping One Another

Daniel is the staff of RA Produce Dept.; he joined the T&T big family for less than a year. He is responsible and very helpful.

In January, the company established the e-Commerce Fulfillment Team and Daniel proactively joined the team. As the e-Commerce Fulfillment is new to T&T and RA is the first fulfilment store of BC, they came across a lot of challenges which they had to solve by themselves. During this period of time, Daniel discussed and shared a lot of his thoughts and suggestions with the Store Manager. While e-Commerce finally launched, RA Fulfillment Team successfully completed the mission assigned by the company. The Store Manger recommended Daniel to be the Supervisor of the Fulfilment Team because of his working performance.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, e-Commerce received a lot of orders. In order to speed up the process and ensure our customers have good online shopping experience, Daniel often went to work early and stayed late at work, he even sacrificed his break time to complete as much orders as he can.

Not only finishing his own duties, Daniel also gained different working experiences through helping other departments. With those new experiences, Daniel performed his job in a more efficient way. He demonstrated a good example of “Continuous Innovation and Helping One Another”.

(RA Store)

Trash is Belonging to The Company’s Property

A staff in the Kitchen Deli took a bag of siumai from the freezer during working hours. Then he put it into his backpack and brought it home after work.

A QC staff sneaked the tested produce sample into her pocket and put it in her locker which she took it home after work.

Although both cases happened in different departments, the actions are similar. During the investigation, both employees claimed they bought the trash home and they thought those were inferior goods that the company did not want it. Maybe they thought they can get around it with the excuse, however, they are wrong. The company does not tolerate this issue and must let them go.

Even those are trash, they are still the company’s property. Colleagues cannot take them away for self-use, they must follow the policy and procedure for the write off. If anyone has any questions about those procedures, please ask your supervisor.

A basic principle: Do not take away items that are not belonging to you.

(HR Dept.)

P11 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store

Western Region

Eastern Region


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