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  • Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

October 2020

2021 從 “心” 出發,講述自己或身邊同事的故事

自今年 3 月份以來,「文化向前行」已經出版七期了。前段時間,我們跟部份分店員工進行了隨機訪談,瞭解到許多分店員工對文化小故事欄目非常喜愛。在這裏,讀到了一個又一個感動人心的故事,“看” 到了:困難時候,互助合作的工作夥伴;惡意事件發生時,挺身而出英勇應對的副店長;疫情期間,對工作崗位堅守的前線天使……

新年度,「文化向前行」將集中分享有關【誠實正直】、【感恩別人的付出】、【互助合作】的故事。除此之外,COVID-19 期間,每天都有不少或積極、或有趣、或溫暖的故事正在發生。相信你一定有很多所見所聞所感吧!想要分享嗎?機會來了!

從 12 月份開始,「文化向前行」將由全國版分成東岸和西岸兩版。分店小夥伴們可以自己動筆,通過自己的分店,向文化小故事欄目投稿了!分店推薦的稿件刊登後,作者將收穫一份大統華的紀念品呢!


P12 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜



October 2020

2021 Share the Story of Yourself or Your Colleagues

Starting from this March, this “Drive a Winning Culture” publication has been issued for 7 volumes. Sometime ago, we randomly interviewed with a few colleagues about the cultural stories and found out they like this type of newsletter very much. Through the articles, we can read all these heart-warming stories and realize, during the tough moment, we support each other; facing the racist insult incident, the brave Assistant Store Manager stand out; in the pandemic moment, our frontline staff stay at their posts.

A new fiscal year begins and here we want to focus on stories about “Uphold Integrity”, “Appreciate Others’ Contributions” and “Help One Another”. Beside the rules, during the COVID-19 period, there must be a lot of positive, funny or touching stories happened around. I guess you must have experienced plenty of them. Wanna share with us?? Here is the chance!

Starting from December, “Drive a Winning Culture” publication will be divided into Eastern Region and Western Region version. Colleagues from stores now can start writing and submit the article to your store admin. Once your article being recommended by store admin and posted in the newsletter, you will receive a memorable gift from T&T!

It is now the time to pick up your pen and write about the story of yourself or your colleagues! Your participation will make this culture publication more exciting.

P12 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store

Western Region

Eastern Region


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