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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

November 2021 (Western Region)

Updated: Nov 29, 2021



“避嫌” 顾名思义是 “避开嫌疑” 的意思,在工作場所中避嫌尤其重要,不利用職務之便,爲親朋好友謀福利。公司也有規定在職親屬需要申報,并且要求所有員工,特別是前場服務人員和收銀員避免直接服務親友,以避免引起利益衝突。




P1 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

November 2021

Avoid suspicion

As simple as it sounds, to avoid arousing suspicion is important especially at workplace. Do not take advantage of your privileges and titles to take welfare for friends and family. There are also written policy in our company that all employees must report if their families and relatives are also working for the company. To avoid unnecessary troublesome, frontline workers and cashiers should avoid directly serving their friends and families in case of any interest of conflict.

However, an incident had happened in one of our stores. One of our employees was serving a known customer, who taken advantage of their job duties and allowing customer to purchase a weighted product at lower price and lower weight which caused the company unnecessary profit loss. This kind of behavior is unacceptable and strongly against our honesty culture in our company. The employee has been disciplined for breaching company policy due to unprofessionalism.

Moving forward, we would like everyone to review this as a case study and to ensure all policy is being followed. To ensure the expectation of honesty is met and to avoid interest of conflict. I believe that all T&T employees can follow this in a professional manner.

(HR Dept.)

P1 2021/2022 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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