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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

May 9, 2020

Updated: May 14, 2020


這幾天,天空藍藍的,草地綠綠的,冬天已遠去,有的地方已開始慢慢解封,感覺上 2020 像是要重新開始了。但這也是我們要最最最小心的時候,如果稍有鬆懈,一旦疫情回頭,那過去所有的努力就都白費了。


下週一 (5/11) 開始,進入大統華,必須戴口罩

戴口罩,是阻斷病毒傳播最簡單有效的辦法,只是之前很多朋友都買不到。我們運用採購優勢,很早就進口了大量口罩,但必須優先捐助 100 萬片給全國各地醫療最前線,還必須先把 5,500 名員工武裝起來,以確保購物環境和工作場所的安全。



UV Store
CC Store







「網上下單,到店提貨」全國 21 家分店開跑


信用卡感應式付款,金額上限提高至 $250



讓大家宅在家裡,吃好、玩好、不無聊,不限廚藝高低,只求陽光正面,入選就可獲得 $100 禮卡喔。


Tina Lee

Dear Colleagues,

As spring approaches, I’m sure you are eager but a bit nervous to get out. We welcome you back, and want to update you on some new things happening at T&T.

Starting Monday, May 11th, we are requiring all customers to wear a face covering when shopping at T&T. We believe it is the most effective way of preventing the spread of germs, and by wearing a mask, you will help protect yourself, and our colleagues.

Installing partition in staff’s lunchroom: Since the pandemic evolves, we are concerned about the safety of our colleagues. We ordered the transparent partition from oversea to protect our colleagues and ensure they can enjoy their break time safely.

Also new - if you are using a credit card at check out, you’ll be happy to know we have increased the tap limit from $100 to $250.

New Hours of Operation: We have extended hours in most of our stores to spread out the traffic. Now you can shop after dinner! Check out new store opening times on our website:

Finally here! This week we launched a Click & Collect service in 21 of our stores. Now you can order online and pick up your groceries in the parking lot of your favourite store, and we will bring your groceries out and load it into your trunk for you. We’re just getting started so our assortment right now includes the essentials and we will be adding much more over the coming weeks. Check it out at

Lastly, since we’re all going a little stir crazy at home, I want to invite you to join our #ttstayhomecookingchallenge Cooking video challenge! We want to see the fun personalities come out and play in the kitchen, and show us what you got. We’re going to pick 100 videos to receive $100 each! It can be as short as 1 min and as long as 5.

Making a cooking video together with your mom would be something pretty cool to do for Mother’s Day! And if you can’t see Mom right now, you can always order a cake, pick it up at the front of our store, and drop it off on her doorstep. In my humble opinion, we do the best cakes in town =)

Tina Lee


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