1. 在分店每小時加發 2 加幣的基本服務津貼,原定 5/25 到期,現在將延長發到 6/14
2. 萬一再有同事確診,分店將遵照公共衛生部門的指引,看個別情況,決定關店天數
專注 於日常衛生、身體距離、戴口罩,以保護我們自己、家人和我們的客人。
決心 保持業務的穩定和成長。
Hi Team,
I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. I know you are tired. Me too. I’m tired, but I’m also overwhelmingly proud. I am so grateful for all your efforts and your fighting spirit. Things are starting to calm down after the initial craziness, and while we are all still working hard, I hope you find a moment to take a break.
All throughout this pandemic, we have been closely following the evolving situation and changing regulations to make sure T&T is keeping up and staying ahead. It appears that the emergency status will soon be relaxed, and more and more businesses will open. The provinces have also introduced new guidelines for retailers to follow, most of which T&T has already complied with.
In light of this, T&T will be making 2 adjustments:
1. The $2 Essential Service Allowance will be extended from May 25 to June 14, 2020.
2. T&T will follow Public Health guidance for store closure duration due to a positive case. Each situation will be assessed on a case by case basis.
From the beginning, we aspired to have a world-class standard for COVID-19 prevention, and the latest implementation of staff lunchroom partitions and mandatory face masks for customers, were two important actions that fulfill the goal. I am committed to keeping up these standards, and I need every one of you to be committed as well, to stay healthy and vigilant, so that we can have a strong team together.
Our collective feeling of nervousness should be replaced with focus and determination:
Focused on the details of everyday hygiene, physical distancing, and wearing masks, to protect ourselves, our families, and our customers.
Determined to keep the business steady and growing.
With more customers venturing out from their homes, and the introduction of more online shopping options, we actually have a lot to look forward to, as long as we can keep ourselves healthy and strong.