2016年秋天,十五歲的藝術生 Alvin 第一天來收銀部上班,一副吊兒郎當的樣子。雖然平日他老愛遲到,但是做起事來既有條理又有效率,同事們對他真是又愛又恨。主管想提拔他的時候,小 Alvin 又玩起了翹班。如此這般,Alvin 二進二出大統華。直到他轉到雜貨部,遇上現在的主管,他的伯樂 Martin。
Martin 並沒有放大 Alvin 的缺點,反而是主動關心 Alvin 的身心健康,瞭解 Alvin 叛逆的原因,並鼓勵 Alvin 與其他同仁分享他的工作方式,使團隊工作更有效率。結果,Alvin 在得到店長和主管的賞識和信任下,變得積極向上,勇於承擔更多工作職責,更晉升為 Supervisor,還多次被評為每月最佳員工。
年輕的員工是大統華的財富呀。原來一些鼓勵的話語和信任,可以長遠地幫助一位年輕人成長。當然,還有 Alvin 勇於蛻變的心,成就了他成爲最好的自己!
現在的 Alvin 已成為我們這個大家庭人人喜歡的大男孩了!
(Chinatown 分店) 分店行政部 Renee Li
從零開始 開拓新未來
身為主管,每天訂貨、上貨、為業績衝衝衝,有時會缺乏時間關心部屬。然而,意識到培養人才的重要,主管們深深知道需要將豐富的知識承傳下去。就像菜部的新同事 Dennis,他最初對蔬果的認知大概只知道蘋果跟橘子的分別,但主管 Michael鼓勵他說,只要願意學習,就會有機會。
Dennis 第一天上班,便由經驗豐富的同事先帶頭指導,他認真的學習態度也得到大家的讚許。了解他有更上一層樓的想法後,Michael 隨即提供主任職位的訓練,還親自毫不保留地把更多管理重點加以傳授。培訓尾聲,有潛質的 Dennis 在主管與專員溝通後,獲准到其它分店交流學習,第一站是MT分店,為期三週。了解到不同分店環境及工作對策的機會,相信對 Dennis 未來的發展會有莫大幫助。
看到 Dennis 在短短五個月時間,由零到現在的成就,真的讓人鼓舞!這一切,除了公司的配套外,個人承擔感和主管的不吝賜教及鼓勵,實在缺一不可。
(Osaka 分店) 分店行政部 May Wong
權責分明, 是大統華努力推動的贏的文化之一。如何將這四個字落實到每天具體的工作中,就需要每位同事對工作清楚的認知和責任感,以及同事間良好的溝通。
P5 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
March 2022
The metamorphosis of a degenerate youth
In Fall 2016, 15 year-old art student Alvin started his first day in Cashier Department with a casual attitude. Punctuality was not his strong suit, yet when he started working, he was organized and efficient. This made his co-workers had a love-hate relationship with him. When the Cashier Head wanted to promote him, young Alvin skipped work again. Then, he came and left T&T twice. Things changed until he transferred to the Grocery Department and met his mentor – Grocery Department Head Martin.
Martin didn’t magnify Alvin’s shortcomings. Instead, he proactively cared about Alvin’s mental and physical well-being, and tried to find the reasons behind his rebellious. He also encouraged Alvin to share his work style with others in order to make an efficient team. With the store manager and Department Head’s trust and support, Alvin flourished. He became more proactive and accountable. He was then promoted to supervisor and got the Best Employee of the Month Award time and again.
Young people are an asset to T&T. Trust and encouragement can help our younger generation grow in the long run. And of course, Alvin’s personal determination is also a crucial reason to let him transform into his best self.
Alvin is now a much beloved member of our T&T family!
(Chinatown Store) Store Admin Renee Li
Starting from zero - Forging a new future
While a Department Head is busy at ordering, shelving, and striving for sales achievement, it is hard to find time to care for their subordinates. However, Department Heads understand the importance of talent development and the need to pass on their wealth of knowledge. Like our new Produce Associate Dennis, he knew nothing about produce except the difference between apple and orange at first. Department Head Michael encouraged him that opportunities could be found if he’s willing to learn.
Guiding by the experienced colleague on the first day, he received much praise for his good learning attitude. Recognizing Dennis’s thought for career development, Michael immediately provided him with the supervisor training, and even passed on the management key points completely. With his potential, Michael communicated with Specialist at the end of Dennis’s training. He was allowed to learn from different stores, starting from MT store for 3 weeks. The opportunity to experience different store environment and work strategies helped Dennis immensely for his career.
It’s inspiring to see Dennis’s achievement from zero to these five short months. Besides the company’s support, his sense of responsibility and Michael’s encouragement and advice were all indispensable.
My fellows, let’s look forward to growing and forging a new future with the T&T spirit. Let us all be proud members of T&T!
(Osaka Store) – Store Admin May Wong
Have a clear sense of ownership creates an efficient work environment
Have a clear sense of ownership is one of the Winning Cultures that T&T promotes and strives for. To execute it, we need everyone to have a clear understanding of their work, responsibility, and a good communication with colleagues.
A conflict recently arose during the receiving process. Usually, once the Receiving Department notices on-duty department in-charge, he/she will go to verify and retrieve department’s merchandise timely. However, a department representative was not accountable and did not know his/her work well, it not only delayed Receiving Department’s work, but also made supplier waiting for an extended time and congestion in the receiving area. Afterwards, the store manager spoke with this employee. S/he tried to make excuses by saying the Receiving colleague was not helpful. S/he even argued with that colleague which worsen the conflict and made adverse influence in the store.
This employee did face disciplinary actions due to the incident. His/her Department Head has reminded him/her of the responsibilities as an on-duty department in-charge, including verifying and receiving merchandises. This minor incident was totally avoidable. The entire situation was worsened just because this employee was not responsible. He did not understand his/her role and communicate with colleagues well. An efficient work environment can only be achieved if every employee has a sense of responsibility towards their work and show mutual respect towards one another.
(HR Dept.)