在一個陽光燦爛的早晨,店裡收到一封令人驚喜的、來自客人寫給 CEO Tina 及店長的感謝信。其內容是要我們特別表揚並稱許大阪這位同仁的善行,因她遺失的東西能夠完整地失而復得,感到相當興奮。
當時客人一時的疏忽將東西遺留在洗手間內,十分慌張地到處尋找、到處詢問,內心著急的程度實在是不可言喻。就在此極度失落無望的當下,立即想到了前往管理處查詢。最令人欣喜若狂的就是,管理處人員回答說 “有呀,是有一位大統華的員工在洗手間拾到交到管理處的”。就在這一剎那,希望隨即出現在她眼前。物歸原主是多麼讓人振奮的事啊! 為此還特意來謝謝這位同仁並與大家特別分享整個過程,感到非常幸運能遇到大統華這麼一位誠實正直的員工。
您們猜猜客人究竟遺失什麼 ????
是一個 BC Hydro 信封裡有 $800 的現金,客人是用來繳費的。
這位優秀的員工是誰呢 ?
….… 是 Cashier Ellie。
(Osaka 分店 - 分店行政部 May Wong)
AB 省的冬夜總是漫長的,然而不管夜有多長,在 CA 分店每天早晨七點半,總能看到一個嬌小的身影在忙碌,她就是金杭 – CA 分店雜貨部主任。
她目前負責 Cycle Count 的工作,細心、繁雜是這個工作的特點。在倉庫管理方面,金杭對品質、庫存都了如指掌。由於分店各部門倉庫面積狹小,她經常都要進行整理、搬運、騰出空間幫助其他部門解決燃眉之急。在部門乃至分店,她都是最能幹、效率最高的一名員工。
在服務顧客方面,金杭知道任何的前期工作都是為了好的 SALES。因此,服務好顧客是關鍵。她會與顧客進行互動,獲得顧客的信任,消除他們的疑慮。顧客滿意了,口口相傳,部門業績自然大大提高。
(Calgary 分店 - 行銷推廣部 Gail Zhao)
分店儲物櫃進行重新調配時,某員工得知自己的儲物櫃由原來的中檔位置被調至下檔後,感到很氣憤,覺得遭遇到不公平對待,便立刻找主管理論,一氣之下,開口大罵主管。結果可想而知,辱罵他人是會被處分的,更甚者是會被公司開除。 日常工作中,儘管主管應當公平對待每位員工,但許多情况下,公平不意味著絕對一致。就儲物櫃的例子,每個儲物櫃都有上下檔,總會有人被安排至下檔的。
P5 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
March 2021
T&T Spirit: Uphold Integrity
On a sunny morning, the store received a surprising thank-you letter from a customer. It is written to the CEO Tina and the Store Manager. The letter is about praising a colleague in Osaka Store for her good deeds. The customer was glad that she found her lost item without anything missing.
The customer forgot her item in the washroom and looked for them everywhere. She asked every staff and felt anxious because she could not find it. At the moment of extreme upset and hopelessness, she thought of going to the mall management office. She got the answer she wanted from the mall management staff, “Yes, a T&T staff bought it here after she found it in the washroom.” How excited it is, she found what she lost. She would like to share the whole story and showed her appreciation to the helping colleague. She felt lucky to come across this honest and helpful staff in T&T.
Guess what this customer lost?
It is a BC Hydro envelope with $800 cash to pay her bill.
And guess who is this excellent employee?
……. is our cashier, Ellie.
Her demonstration in integrity and honesty is a good example for us to learn from. Let’s carry forward the T&T Spirit.
(May Wong, Store Admin Dept., Osaka Store)
Thanks for Giving
Winter nights in AB seems longer. However, no matter how long the darkness stays, you can always see a petite figure working busily at 7:30am every morning. She is Jin-Hang, the Store Inventory Supervisor of CA Store.
She is currently in charge of Cycle Count, which requires one to be careful and detailed oriented. In terms of warehouse management, Jin-Hang knows everything about the quality and inventory. Due to the limited spacing in each department’s backroom, she often has to organize, move and make room for other departments to settle their urgent needs. She is the most capable and efficient employee in the department, even in this store.
In terms of serving customers, Jin-Hang knows that all preliminary work is helping the sales. Therefore, good customer service is the key point. She interacts with customers to gain their trust and eliminate their doubts. When the customer is satisfied, word of mouth will greatly improve the department's performance.
Jin-Hang often said, "Doing a good job is the best presentation of value. T&T has given me a platform, then I will use my hard work to pay back." What an ordinary line, however, it reveals a kind of brevity. Work hard is just for the gratification of customers, which is a kind of value. It might be part of a normal day and work, but it can always light up your life.
(Gail Zhao, Marketing Dept., Calgary Store)
Don't Let Yourself Regret Because of Your Short Temper
When the store’s lockers were re-assigned, an employee felt very angry after he learned that his locker had been moved from the original middle position to a lower position. He felt that he had been treated unfairly, so he immediately approached the supervisor for a reason and yelled to the supervisor. As you know that insulting others will be punished, and even worse, will be expelled from the company.
In daily work, although the supervisor should treat each employee fairly, in many cases, fairness does not mean absolute consistency. In the case of the lockers, each locker has different position, and someone will be assigned to the lower position lockers.
At work, the tasks assigned to each person are also different. Some employees always think that other 's work is easier and feel that they have been treated unfairly. When you have this kind of thought, the more you think the more you feel wronged and angry, but no matter what, these emotions can't solve the problem. You must first control your emotions and calm yourself down. When necessary, you can ask your superiors to explain the situation. You can use communication to solve problems on the premise of mutual respect and understanding.
When you feel dissatisfied, don't get angry. You can only make the right decision when you are rational. Don't let yourself regret because of your short temper.
(HR Dept.)