2020疫情肆虐,大家生活的惴惴不安。可這期間國內的媽媽和這裡的長姐都病了。我需要照顧長姐,又擔心媽媽。我從沒有如此絕望痛苦過,當時心力交瘁,感覺自己每天快不能呼吸了。我把事情告訴了壽司吧的姐姐們, 她們總是督促我好好照顧自己的身體,工作上幫助我,讓我感到生活還有希望。
(Central Parkway分店 - 熟食部Xiaomin Liu)
其實接種第一劑疫苗後,我們的免疫系統並不是能夠立刻產生抗體來對抗 COVID-19。衛生專家警告說,即使您接種了第一劑疫苗,也應該繼續遵守公共衛生措施,否則就有被感染的風險。雖然很多員工都已經接種了第一劑疫苗,但是我們在店裏或在辦公室裏交談聊天時還是要注意保持安全距離,戴好口罩和勤洗手,絕不能掉以輕心。
在 COVID-19 的防疫方面,公司已經採取了一切措施確保工作場所的安全,所以同事們必須時刻嚴格遵守,否則,公司將對違規員工採取紀律處分。
P9 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
July 2021
Shine among the team of Sushi Bar
In 2019, I have started on my first official job in Canada, gratefully to become part of the member in Sushi bar and met a lot of amazing “sisters”.
In the beginning of pandemic in 2020, everyone was living under anxiety. My mother in China and my sister who lives in Canada with me have both got sicked. I have to take care of my sister while worrying about my mother. I have never felt such hopelessness and to be extremely stressful. I expressed and shared my concerns to the sisters from Sushi bar, they have always reminded me to take good care of myself which helped me in seeing hopes in the future.
My mother and sister have both been recovered from illness. I am so thankful when God shows us mercy. I am also thankful of receiving the support from sushi bar’s sisters.
I am thankful that my principal has taught me, everything would happen naturally. Not to be forceful, not to be accusive, not to be following blindly. Face the fact and everything will get through.
I am thankful that sister bobo has taught me how to go above and beyond, work ethic, be steadfast with a conscious mind.
I am thankful that sister ZiJiao has taught me to be cautious, be positive, be improved and be thoughtful.
I am thankful that sister jane has taught me to be let go, live a simple life and be confident.
I am thankful that sister Liu has taught me to have a peace of mind, not to be sensitive on everything.
I am thankful that sister XiaoFang has taught me to be responsible and be confronted.
What an amazing time in the past 2 years to spend along with all my sisters from sushi bar. I have been quietly receiving all their positive energy and to be a better person. I truly wish everyone of them to live a beautiful life.
(Xiaomin Liu, Kitchen Deli Dept., Central Parkway Store)
Continue to follow the safety protocol even after vaccinations
Vaccination is the best way to protect ourselves, our families, and our community. Most people have already received their first dose with the tremendous support and encouragement from our company.
Although the vaccination rate is getting higher and higher. Our team can work in a safer environment. However, some of us have already been letting our guard down including socializing with other colleagues without mask. Please keep in mind that this is still extremely dangerous. Luckily, it was caught by the manager on duty and took a corrective action with the fellows.
In fact, receiving your first dose is not enough to build the antidote for your immune system against Covid. Health authority has also suggested to continue following safety protocol and measurement even after getting your first dose. Otherwise, you will still be at risk on catching the virus. You must continue to wear masks, maintain social distance, and wash your hands.
As long as we are still under the Covid-19 pandemic, our company must continue to ensure the safety measurement is met. If anyone is caught disobeying the policy, discipline action will be taken.
(HR Dept.)