我們收銀部的Andy,一直以其突出的工作表現,受到部門及其它分店同事的高度讚揚。 Andy學習能力強,能勝任多個崗位。他曾去支援多家分店以及店裡的不同崗位,包括雜貨部和收貨部。 Langley新店開業期間,Andy總是準確快速地處理每一筆結賬, 確保客人能夠快速得到服務。當新同事在工作中需要幫忙時,他就會立即站到旁邊,及時地提供幫助和指導。而轉眼之間他就冒雨奔跑在停車場推拉購物車。
除此之外, Andy也會確保新同事對工作安全的認識,並教導他們在工作中避免身體受傷。我們知道員工肌肉拉傷,在日常工作中是一個常見的問題,所以他指導新同事搬運重物時要屈膝蹲下、推車時保持背部直立、目視前方等等。Andy平時工作細心,他也會替補服務台工作, 確保各項事務有條不紊,如主動裝飾吊掛、清潔衛生、收貨等等。
(Surrey分店) 分店行政部Lucy Fu
行政部助理Amy,就是我,每天都會到不同部門處理事情。 每次,我都會用三分鐘的時間,跟夥伴們輕鬆聊聊各種工作或生活上的細節。有一次,在廚食部和菜部當前線崗位的Zoey,主動向我提議儀多個改善分店的社交媒體服務方案。
經過多次的「 三分鐘」,我知曉 Zoey 過往在國內銀行就職產品經理,曾經負責社交媒體營銷,也對市場推廣的工作感興趣。剛好CQ店需要大力推廣社交媒體平台「小紅書」 ,我就把 Zoey的工作經歷和意向報告店長,並得到店長對 Zoey的鼓勵,請她協助攝製作小紅書的貼文,為未來的市場推廣工作,打下鞏固的基礎。
在短短幾個月裡, Zoey 不斷地改善CQ店的微信群和小紅書,令分店的粉絲大增。當店要增添 品牌大使( local communication supervisor) 的崗位時,店長和我異口同聲鼓勵 Zoey 自薦應聘。 Zoey 把握了她的「三分鐘」 ,贏得了店長對她的支持、認可和培養,發揮她的潛能,在工作中迅速成長。
(Coquitlam分店) 分店行政部Amy Sung
P3 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
January 2022
The perfect path builder
Andy from cashier department has been performing outstandingly and his performance has been aware by all departments in the store. His adaption and learning ability have helped him to work in different position. He’s been supporting many other stores in different positions such as Grocery and Receiving department. During the Grand Opening period of Langley store, Andy has shown great accuracy and efficiency in cash counter to perfection. He reacts quickly to support many of our new employees. In an eye blink, he’s already collecting carts in the parking lot.
Moreover, Andy has ensured that new employees are equipped with safety knowledge by teaching them the proper posture in daily tasking. Andy has been the greatest helper in many ways. He did not just complete a task, but he does it to its perfection.
Andy has always been supportive and considerate for everyone. He has prepared and flatten the work path for everyone to enhance its effectiveness. His passionate is influencing everyone.
(Surrey Store) Store Admin Lucy Fu
Three minutes
Being the Store Administrator myself, Amy. I visit every department to handle different kind of things on daily basis. I usually spend 3 minutes each time to socialize with my colleagues on work and life. Once I was having a discussion with Zoey from Produce department. She made multiple suggestion to improve on store’s social media platform.
After a couple of the 3 minutes small talk, I found out that Zoey used to be a Product Manager in a bank back in China. She was responsible for social media and e-commerce and was also interested in Marketing and promotion. At the time, CQ store was needed to promote “Red” as a social media platform. I forwarded Zoey’s resume and proposal to Store manager. Zoey received an encouragement from store manager to help with the social media posting and to start building the foundation for future.
In a few months’ time, Zoey has made adjustment and improved on Wechat group and Red for CQ store which has significantly increased on followers. Meanwhile, store has created a new position as a Local Communication Supervisor. Store Manager and I have both nominated Zoey and advised her to apply. Zoey has made the best use of her 3 minutes to allow her in further development and grow in her career.
(Coquitlam Store) Store Admin Amy Sung
Be respectful in workplace
In any of the work environment, it’s common to have conflicts between colleagues. The best way to handle the matter is by understanding, respecting each other and healthy communication.
An incident had happened in store which started from a small issue and escalating to a verbal argument. It started off with a different opinion between 2 employees. Both have not been able to control their emotions. One of the individuals has made a complain to the management which led on to a further investigation. It was confirmed that both employees were exchanging inappropriate language in such verbal argument. In result, company has taken discipline action on both employees which they were regret of their action.
Company has been taking the approach on reinforcing necessary training on “respectful workplace” to help everyone to understand that it’s zero tolerance on any sort of violence. Once discovered, discipline action will be taken including termination of employment.
Conflict can happen at any time, but it’s also avoidable by fulfilling the healthy communication. Control and maintain your emotions to avoid further escalation. You should consult with your superior immediately when issue arise. It’s everyone’s responsibility to maintain a peaceful workplace and respecting each other.
(HR Dept.)