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December 2020 (Eastern Region)


有麻煩? “拍拍” 就好!

「有麻煩,“拍拍” 就好。」大家聽了這句話,可能認爲我們有一個什麽神通廣大的法器,其實我們説的是一個人,她…. 就是我們 Promenade 分店的行政助理 Patricia Wong。

一個周二的下午,“拍拍” 處理完事情,説道:「今天可以正常下班了」。 話音剛落,一位員工拿著醫生紙來報工傷了。呵,這又是一個長篇。“拍拍” 填寫了許多的文件表格,和員工講清楚公司有關工傷的規定,同時還和部門主管一起商談了復工的安排。等忙完了這些,一看錶,7 點鐘又過了。

一個分店行政助理的工作,真可謂事無巨細,包羅萬象,每天都有各種不同類型的事情需要處理。“拍拍” Patricia 是一個認真負責,又敢於提出意見的人。她對於公司規定總是不打折扣的執行,敢於講話,不怕得罪人。

COVID-19 橫虐之時,“拍拍” 協助分店疏導客流,督促防疫規定的落實執行,還和政府衛生官及有關檢查人員溝通。Promenade 分店處處都可以看到 “拍拍” 的身影。分店夥伴們都親切的説道:「有麻煩,“拍拍” 就好。」

(Promenade 分店 - 海鮮部 William Zhang)






P2 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

December 2020

Having Trouble? Just Call “Pat-Pat”

“Having trouble? Just call Pat-Pat.” When you heard this line, you might think we have a magical weapon. In fact, we are talking about a person and she is Patricia Wong, the Store Administrator of PR Store.

A Tuesday afternoon, Pat-Pat finished all her work and said, “I can off on time today.” However, once she finished, a staff came to her with a doctor’s note and would like to report a workplace injury. Oh, this is going to take a long period. After Pat-Pat finished all the forms, explained to the colleague about the rules claiming injury and talked to the department head about the return to work arrangement, everything settled, the clock passed 7.

As a Store Administrator, her work is all-inclusive. There are different kinds of issues to work on. Pat-Pat Patricia is an earnest and responsible person, who is willing to share her feedback. She does not compromise when it comes to enforcing the company's regulations and she dares to speak up.

While COVID-19 is rampant, Pat-Pat helps control the traffic flow and supervises the implementation of the store safety measures, she is also responsible to communicate with the public health officers. You can see Pat-Pat nearly everywhere in the store. That’s why we all say “Having trouble? Just call Pat-Pat!”.

(William Zhang, Seafood Dept., Promenade Store)

Please be Patient and Polite

During the pandemic, we have taken all safety measures to protect our employees and customers. To avoid close contact with others, we changed all the hot food aisle into a one-way traffic.

A customer got into the hot food aisle and put on her gloves cautiously before getting the hot food. A staff at the back was waiting to get the staff meal, when he saw the customers was putting on the gloves, he impatiently walked pass the customer and got into the aisle. That customer was shocked and asked why the staff jumped in line? And this staff started to argue with this customer.

This should not be happening. Everyone should respect the first come first served rule and this is the basic etiquette. It is even more non-acceptable to argue with customers because of one’s fault. In this critical moment, there are a lot of new safety measures, please be patient and polite. The customer in front may want to use hand sanitizer or put on gloves, please wait for a few seconds and let the other finish these steps. This is not only protecting oneself, but also the others.

(HR Dept.)

P2 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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