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August 2022 (Western Region)

Updated: Aug 26, 2022



海有潮、山有脈,人需要選擇合適的平台展現優秀的自己。HH店的肉食部主管Steven Li富有奉獻精神,他以低調謙和的態度管理部門的日常運作,可謂殫精竭慮。




(Harvest Hills分店) 麵包部Bu Jun



「倉車已到,雜貨部收貨!」每當聽到收貨員的廣播,亞麒就會像士兵聽到進攻的號角般,立即衝到收貨區收貨。繁忙的一天開始,他沒有停手地為主題區端架陳列位置(End-cap display)補貨上貨、換卡板、分貨給貨架行(aisle)的同事……特價米賣完,「趕緊出一板!」;中秋節月餅到貨,「主題區開始換位陳列!」;客人要20箱麻油,「沒問題,馬上送到服務台!」



(Northtown Edmonton分店) 分店行政部Leona Liu



雖然這些「凶器」在事件中最後都沒有真正傷害到其他同事,但是別忘了,我們的「工作場所歧視、暴力、欺凌及騷擾」政策中明確説明,「暴力」 指對他人進行具有攻擊性的身體傷害行爲,或任何恐嚇或企圖進行身體攻擊的行爲。我們不容忍一切暴力行爲,因此,無論有意或無意,相關同事的行爲都屬於暴力,都需要為自己的錯誤付出代價。



P10 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

August 2022

It's a blessing to work together

It's always important to choose a suitable platform where we can showcase our best selves. Like Steven Li, the Meat Department Head at HH store, who always gives his all in his role, whilst humbly managing the day-to-day operations of the department.

When the Receiving Department was short-staffed during a particularly busy Saturday, Steven worked overtime voluntarily, receiving and unloading nearly 30 pallets of merchandise. This helped to ensure normal operations of his own department, as well as the other departments. In addition to coordinating sales and forecasting customer demand, he also trains new employees timely in accordance with company guidelines.

Steven always puts people first. Not only does he prioritize customer service, he also implements a people-oriented management style. Taking into account that a colleague on the packaging team was unable to work in the freezer for a prolonged period of time due to poor health, Steven adopted a job rotation system to limit all employees' time spent in the freezer. He personally manages quality inspection and workplace safety, arranges work reasonably, urges everyone to work in an orderly manner within a unified standard, and strives for the best departmental performance.

Through his abilities and actions, Steven has won over the trust of the company and his colleagues. To be able to grow and share our glory together with him is truly a blessing.

(Harvest Hills Store) Bakery Department Bu Jun

A happy kid who exudes boundless energy

Whenever Yaqi Zhou, the young Grocery Supervisor is mentioned, his Department Head Ada can't help but praise his seemingly boundless energy, "This kid never seems to get tired when he works."

"The warehouse truck is here! Grocery, please come to Receiving to pick up!" Whenever Yaqi hears this announcement, he immediately rushes to the receiving area the way a soldier hears a war horn. Yaqi starts off a busy day replenishing the end-cap display in the themed area, changing the wooden pallets, distributing merchandise to his colleagues working the aisles. When he finds out the rice on sale is sold out, he yells, "Hurry and get a new pallet!" When the mooncakes arrive, he goes, "Start changing the end-cap display!" Then, when a customer wants 20 cases of sesame oil, he says, "No problem, sending it over to the service counter immediately!

The company encourages employees to be accountable, for Yaqi that means ensuring his work is completed to a high standard, and to have a sense of responsibility for the department, the store, and the company. The company fosters the “be accountable” iron rule which he takes to heart and puts into action on a daily basis, winning him praise from colleagues and customers alike.

Though he might be busy, but to witness flourishing departmental performance, seeing satisfied customers, and watching newcomers in the department gradually mature into their roles under the guidance of both himself and his supervisor makes Yaqi happier than ever.

(Northtown Edmonton) Store Admin Leona Liu

Always remain calm and talk things out

A number of incidents involving conflicts between employees have recently occurred at different stores. To make matters worse, some employees picked up tools in their work area, waved it at another employee, and even chased them around. The tools in these incidents include bread tongs, plastic sheets, and knives. These tools, which are meant to help with your roles, ultimately became "weapons" because of irrational employees, causing other employees to feel scared and threatened in the workplace.

Although these "weapons" did not cause physical harm in any of these incidents, it is important not to forget that our company's "Workplace Discrimination, Violence, Bullying and Harassment" policy clearly states that violence refers to the threatened, attempted or actual conduct of a person that causes or is likely to cause physical injury or harm to others. We will not tolerate any violent behaviour, and whether intentional or unintentional, these employees' actions in these incidents are all considered violent, and they will have to accept the consequences of their actions.

Though most of these conflicts were sparked by relatively minor issues - some even started off because of a joke - yet the consequences are severe. We have knives and many other tools in our workplace. We ask that employees remain calm at all times. Talk things out calmly with your colleagues, and always remember to put down any tools in hand. If there is any conflict that cannot be resolved, please seek help from management as soon as possible. It is important to look at the situation from the other person's point of view, stay calm, and never wave around any tools in the workplace to prevent any irreversible mistakes.

(HR Dept.)

P10 2021/2022 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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