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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

April 2021 (Eastern Region)

Updated: Apr 29, 2021



誰是店裡的好幫手,那就不得不提一下我們的 Vivian。她是我們雜貨部的 Supervisor,又是我們分店雜貨部唯一難得的女性 Team Leader。

在疫情高峰期間,Fulfillment 突然訂單爆增,部門無法負荷。Vivian 主動學習並參與 Fulfillment 部門的工作。憑藉她在過去的經驗知識和默默地付出,很快熟悉了工作環境,並且每次在 Fulfillment 部門訂單最繁忙的時候,她都挺身而出,主動支援該部門。從打單、撿貨一路到打包、送貨,每個步驟都處理的井井有條並高效地按照公司要求完成。

Vivian 有不同部門的多方面經驗,不僅熟悉收銀及雜貨的基本操作,還在本職部門雜貨部工作時,配合主管共同帶領部門員工,一起應對疫情期間的多項挑戰,包含疫情期間激增的大量訂單及來貨。同時經常看到她及時的拉著一台堆滿紙箱的車子到不同的貨架上填補商品的空缺,保證貨架上的貨品充足整齊。並與部門主管一起協調人員安排以及提升部門工作效率,為新員工提供培訓,也願意分享她自己的工作經驗給部門員工作為參考。在疫情期間,Vivian 不僅一直堅守自己的崗位,還充當各個崗位的候補,從不抱怨辛苦,是我們分店的好幫手。

(Woodbine 分店 - 分店行政部 Tracy Huang)

嚴格遵守 COVID 安全規定是重中之重





P6 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

April 2021

Grateful to Have You

When asking me who is the good helper in store, I will have to talk about Vivian. She is the Supervisor of the Grocery Dept and she is also the only female team leader in Grocery Department.

During the peak of the pandemic, there was a surge online orders which overloaded the fulfillment team. Vivian pro-actively learned the skill and involved in the Fulfilment Department duties. With her previous experience, skills and effort, she got used to the working environment shortly. She always initiated to help whenever fulfilment team is experiencing a high volume of orders. From receiving orders, picking items, packaging to delivery, she does every step in order and efficiently by following the company’s rules.

Vivian has different working experience, not only familiar with the cashier and grocery working procedures, she also works with Dept Head to lead their teammates to fight against the challenges caused by COVID, such as the dramatic increase in orders and receiving. She also pulls trolley with boxes of merchandising items for replenishment, in order to make sure the grocery shelves are filled with stock. Furthermore, she works on manpower arrangement with Dept Head to improve the working efficiency and provide training to new staff, which she is very open up to share her personal working experience as reference. In the pandemic time, beside sticking to her role, Vivian is also backing up for her teammates without any complaints. She is the good helper for our store.

(Tracy Huang, Store Admin Dept., Woodbine Store)

In Compliance with the Health and Safety Requirements is Our Top Priority

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the company has taken the safety of employees and customers as the top priority and has introduced a series of safety measures to protect everyone. It is because of everyone's effort and perseverance that we have maintained good results in this fight against the pandemic.

However, recently some individual employees have loosened up, who did not follow the rules, and were found chatting or eating with others at close range without wearing a mask. This is not allowed in the company. As the epidemic continues to get severed, loosen up might increase the risk of being infected, which is what we can’t afford and keep avoiding. In those cases, the company took it seriously and disciplinary actions have been taken.

In order to maintain a safe working and shopping environment for our employees and customers, we must comply to all the safety regulations. Let’s keep ourselves safe and look forward to the day that we can all celebrate the victory with hugs.

(HR Dept)

P6 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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